
28082021 or 08282021 – you choose!

I was supposed to start writing today. I had decided I was going to start writing today. I had a plan, positivity etc. It’s been a tough week. No details required but lots going on. I decided today I would start writing down my ramblings again as it really helps me to get some perspective. …

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STOP! In the name of self-love!

Self-love, body positivity, comfort within your skin. It’s something everyone should have. But so few of us actually have it. I follow a lot of people who are body positive and who promote self-love and, hoping not to sound too dramatic, I am so grateful to have found these accounts. They give me a boost …

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Always better to do something than nothing..?

I am having a particularly bad day today. I always promised myself that on days like that I would stay away from a computer as surely anything I would write would be a self pitying diatribe. But today is different I’m feeling….. explodey and trapped. This has been common of late. In fact it has …

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We Live and…

You would be correct if you assumed that the title of this post is part of a well known phrase. We live and we learn! The title of this post is a better known phrase in my household. My partner tells me on a bi-weekly basis, “I always say, that’s your family motto. ‘We live…’” …

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