
We Live and…

You would be correct if you assumed that the title of this post is part of a well known phrase.

We live and we learn!

The title of this post is a better known phrase in my household. My partner tells me on a bi-weekly basis, “I always say, that’s your family motto. ‘We live…'”

The obvious insinuation? When an action is taken that doesn’t necessarily provide the expected results, no learning takes place. And he’s right. In place of learning from experiences and mistakes, my family replaces learning with a steadfast denial that anything but the current situation exists.

Reminders of past results of actions are met with angry, stubborn exclamations that the person doing the reminding is a neigh-sayer, a negator. Clearly, has no faith in the best foot we are about to put forward.

This chain of events is never truer than when it comes to weight loss, getting healthy, living a cleaner life, practicing ‘self love’ (a phrase that I completely get behind but always tickles my childish sense of humour).

So yet again, this week I find myself embarking on a program of health that I have proclaimed, not a diet. No no no, this is a lifestyle change. If I had a penny for each time I’d uttered these words over the years!

My cousin and I are getting started on couch to 5k. Well, we’re getting started for the 3rd time this try. But I’m determined that 3rd time, or 3rd time during the 5th actual time, will be lucky. We ARE going to get to 5k!

Let’s see!